・ Cloud engineer / freelance ・ Born in 1993 ・ Born in Ehime Prefecture / Lives in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo ・ AWS history 5 years Profile details
Table of contents
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Alt + Shift + T
Ctrl + Shift + P
Command + Shift + P
Ctrl + Alt + V
Command + Alt + V
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[ "yaml.customTags": [ "!And sequence", "!Base64 scalar", "!Cidr scalar", "!Condition scalar", "!Equals sequence", "!FindInMap sequence", "!GetAZs scalar", "!GetAtt scalar", "!GetAtt sequence", "!If sequence", "!ImportValue scalar", "!Join sequence", "!Not sequence", "!Or sequence", "!Ref scalar", "!Select sequence", "!Split sequence", "!Sub scalar", "!Sub sequence", "!Transform mapping", ] ]
[ { "name": "AWS CloudFormation", "description": "AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment", "fileMatch": [ "*.cf.json", "*.cf.yml", "*.cf.yaml", "cloudformation.json", "cloudformation.yml", "cloudformation.yaml" ], "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/goformation/master/schema/cloudformation.schema.json" } ]
{ "yaml.schemas": { "https://d33vqc0rt9ld30.cloudfront.net/latest/gzip/CloudFormationResourceSpecification.json": [ "*.cf.yaml", "*.cf.yml", "cloud*formation/*.yaml", "cloud*formation/*.yml" ] } }
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--- RulesToSuppress: # S3 Bucket should have access logging configured - id: W35 reason: No access log settings are required # Resource found with an explicit name, this disallows updates that require replacement of this resource - id: W28 reason: The IAM roll name is set by fixed, not dynamic # CloudWatchLogs LogGroup should specify a KMS Key Id to encrypt the log data - id: W84 reason: Do not use the encryption of the customer management key
terraform fmt
terraform init
terraform plan