・クラウドエンジニア / フリーランス ・1993年生まれ ・愛媛県出身 / 東京都渋谷区在住 ・AWS歴5年 プロフィールの詳細
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Command + Shift + P
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Command + Alt + V
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[ { "name": "AWS CloudFormation", "description": "AWS CloudFormation provides a common language for you to describe and provision all the infrastructure resources in your cloud environment", "fileMatch": [ "*.cf.json", "*.cf.yml", "*.cf.yaml", "cloudformation.json", "cloudformation.yml", "cloudformation.yaml" ], "url": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/awslabs/goformation/master/schema/cloudformation.schema.json" } ]
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--- RulesToSuppress: # S3 Bucket should have access logging configured - id: W35 reason: アクセスログの設定は不要 # Resource found with an explicit name, this disallows updates that require replacement of this resource - id: W28 reason: IAMロール名は動的ではなく固定で設定 # CloudWatchLogs LogGroup should specify a KMS Key Id to encrypt the log data - id: W84 reason: カスタマー管理キーの暗号化は利用しない
terraform fmt
terraform init
terraform plan